Sunday, October 28, 2007

Zombies and Playstation 3's

I went to Pittsburgh this weekend with a few housemates and friends for Zombie Fest and it was pretty cool, but pretty lacking at the same time. I'm used to big huge anime conventions where you can beat the shit out of annoying people and no one will care. Oh well. I also went to the zombie walk and that was fun as hell. It was a walk through the mall where the original Dawn of the Dead was filmed, altho I didn't look like it since it has had a lot of renovation since.

I also got my hands on a Playstation 3 this weekend, or I got to try one on a one on one basis for some time. My housemate got an early birthday gift and it happened to be a PS3 but it was mostly dominated by my friend James. He played a lotta Motor Storm and almost beat Heavenly Sword. I also saw a little bit of Folklore. Motor Storm is game. That is about it. Heavenly Sword I was really impressed by tho. The combat was fun, the plot was neat and that characters were entertaining. The main bad dude, who was voiced by Andy Serkis, was really cool, as were his main helpers. I never saw much of Folklore to make a good opinion but, it feels like it will be good. We also got Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, which reviewers are creaming themselves over, and they have the right too. It is a damn pretty game and it follows the awesome, fun ganeplay of the Ratchet and Clank series.

A lot of things about the PS3 make me go "Whaa..?" tho. Every game needs to be "installed" before you can play it. In addition, the system menu is such shit. It worked for the PSP, but a full blown system like this with a hell of a lot more going on for it needs a more compact menu. The thing is huge too. We had it next to a 360 and it was like a huge black guy staring down a skinny white fella. I'm pretty sure it would just fall on a Wii and attempt to crush it (and I say attempt because if you have ever owned a Game Boy, you know that Nintendo makes the toughest damn consoles on earth).

I really can't wait to see a few things on the PS3 now, Metal Gar Solid 4 out of everything. Haze also looks real interesting, plot-wise. I am interested in seeing where the PS3 goes this holiday and hope to play some games on it since I can mooch off someone now.

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