Saturday, November 3, 2007

Toribah, a new take on fighters.

While I was over at the oh so entertaining Facepunch forums, they had a thread about something that I had check out and enjoyed a ton a little over a year ago but never went back to, despite enjoying it a lot. It's called Toribash, a turn based fighting game. Yes, it sounds weird. It is. But it is so much fun.

Toribash takes place between you and one other person in plain, 3D field. The point of the game actually depends on the on mode. Most of the time, a loss is if you hit the ground first and sometimes it is based on points. It sounds simple, but how you play is very interesting.

You and the other person start out standing in a T across from each other. On the top of the screen are two timers, one is a circle that winds down and the other is a number that changes depending on the mode, but it is serves the same purpose no matter what. The circle timer is how long you have to move your characters joins. That sounds really weird huh? Instead of directly controlling your character you have a limited amount of time to move it's joins, and then when the timer runs down, action happens. Joins have 4 positions: relax, tight, extend, contract. Depending on what is set to what, you may kick, pull your leg back, punch, swipe, jump, flip, whatever. It gives you a good amount of control. What you need to worry about is what the other guy is going to do. When the action starts, the number timer begins, and then after some time, stops again and lets you mess with the joins. This goes on until someone loses or time runs out. This is the basic gameplay.

So why is it so awesome tho?

Limb ripping.

Yes. Limb ripping. Libs can be ripped off, break under stress, from too hard a toss, you can kick peoples arms off, slap their head into space, even split them in half. Despite this, you can still control what was ripped off! It's hilarious seeing someone get kicked in half and watch the remaining legs jump into the air so they don't fall over for a loss. In some demo replays, people have ripped off their own arm and tossed it at a person and it beat the living crap out of them. It's amazing.

Recently Toribash went all free (You used to buy the full game for $20 and get some extra features.) with version 3 and released a promo video. Here it is...

That shows just about everything I talked about. It also shows off a ton of cool moves.

The bad thing's I can think about Toribash was it's lack of instruction. It used to not have a tutorial, so you would go online and just have to figure it out (because sinple player is really more of a bad training mode). Also, even if you do use the new tutorial, it is hard to get a good grasp on the game. I still get owned online. It's fun tho. Try it.

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